I arranged for Mark and Alena to join me at Cedar's during their weekly swing night. I thought it was the perfect event, as Mark loved jazz and played the trombone in many a jazz bands, and Alena loved to swing dance. As it turned out, they hardly said two words to each other the whole night! But I didn't think it was a lost cause...and I was right. A few days later, they both approached me and asked about the other.
Fast forward a few years, and I was proud to be asked to be in their wedding. Fast forward even further, and their beautiful Madelynn was born. She was a gift they had been patiently awaiting for some time. I can hardly believe she is 8 months old!
I was so happy to finally reconnect with Mark and Alena and meet their sweet little baby girl. She greeted me with a smile I will never forget!
As soon as Mark got home from work, we rushed out the door for their photo shoot in hopes to beat out the rain. We went to a place in Millcreek Park called Daffodil Hill. None of us had ever been there before, so we were picturing a big field just packed with daffodils. However, when we saw it from across the pond, I knew I had my work cut out for me. There was a hill, yes...and daffodils...but sporadic little patches of them...not at all what I had envisioned. But with a few creative angles, you would never have known we weren't wading in flowers!
We were losing sunlight fast, as the skies were steadily becoming cloudier by the minute, so we drove over to another gorgeous spot - Fellows Riverside Gardens. Water fountains, tulips, blossoming trees, and carefully manicured gardens were just the perfect backdrops to wrap up our fabulous session...and just the things to keep little Maddie in amazement!
And our shoot marked the first time Maddie sat up in the grass all by herself...like a big girl!

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