August 30, 2010

ihf - Photojournalism

This week's photo challenge at I Heart Faces is Photojournalism - images that tell a story.  In keeping with the theme, I am purposely not going to tell you the story behind this image.  What does this image say to you?

Yes, I broke the rules - no face in this image.
I couldn't pass up sharing it.


  1. "Forgotten" or "Discarded" Beautiful picture!

  2. Hmmmm... "I lost my boot" ? Or... "I got stuck in the mud and left my shoes behind" ?? :) Great shot!

  3. I'm from the Cedar Rapids area of Iowa that flooded so badly two years ago, and go to ISU which flooded this summer, so I think of the faces of the family friends whose family memory boxes I had to salvage and mostly throw away for the mother. I think of separation, not only from the boot's partner, but from life as it was known shortly before. Beautiful picture.

  4. Beautiful shot! I immediately think of something lost. Not only on one level.

    Erika B

  5. What a great shot! It made me look and look again :)

    Thanks for sharing!!

    K xx --

  6. Awesome Picture! It says, "Left behind." to me!

  7. Yeah something to the effect of left behind...undone...something like that. I'd love to hear the story.

  8. Love this shot! Hmm, to me this photo says "solitary".

  9. Man, I totally went another route with my analysis. Perhaps I watch too much CSI, Bones, TV, or it's because of the anniversary of Katrina. But, I thought of a body drifting in polluted waters.

    Either way, I like the symmetry of the boot half in and half out of the water.

  10. Christine- I was thinking along the same lines of you.... very dark and secretive.

  11. Megan's comment is touching. That is stuck in my head, and that's what my eye sees now.
    I love that the boot can be seen in its entirety because of the reflection. For some reason that is redemptive to me.

  12. it's a SHOE! ;) teh shoe from teh black lagoon! run awayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

    hehe love it. :)
