August 12, 2010

You Capture: Everyday Things

It's summertime!  Time for some seasonal creatures to come out and play, and one of my favorites is the dragonfly.  Dragonflies are very curious beings, hovering and following close to objects that catch their attention, checking out these new found objects from every possible angle.  Dragonflies are probably my favorite creature (besides my two four-legged children, MacKenzie & Dash) to photograph because of the intricate detail on their wings and bodies.

Dragonflies are a Georgia summer staple and my subject for You Capture's Everyday Things photo share.  This little guy was an amazing model, holding still for me for several minutes while I snapped away.


I chose this one to enter in this week's Macro Friday sponsored by Blogging from Bolivia.  It's my favorite!


  1. Look at his shadow! And I love the texture of the surface he's resting on.

  2. Incredible shots - especially love the shadow. How did you manage to get him to sit still for so long. :)

  3. You are brave to get that close to a bug ;-D hehe.

    Beautiful captures.

  4. I used my 18-200mm I didn't have to get as close as I would have had to with a macro lens. I'm not a bug person either, but he was so calm, I took a chance. Glad I did because I love these shots!

  5. that is so awesome! I've been trying to get a butterfly and a dragonfly all summer, but it's been so hot, nothing much has been out!

  6. Great macro shot! I love the perspective! :)

  7. lovely shot - I wish I could capture a dragonfly on camera.
